Harbour Cup Tournament Rules

1. Rules

The Harbour Cup will be played in accordance with applicable sections of the FIFA rules and the New Zealand Football rules with the following clarifications/exceptions.

2. Age Groups & Player Eligibility

G14 - Girls born 1st January 2010 or later

G16 - Girls born 1st January 2008 or later

G18 - Girls born 1st January 2006 or later

Dispensations granted by regional football organisations for players to play down a grade will be allowed but proof must be emailed through to the tournament organisers prior to the tournament start.

Maximum squad size is 18 players.

3. Competition Rules

The format of the tournament will be determined by the number of entries. It is anticipated that teams will play a small round robin group format followed by semi finals and finals. Teams that lose knockout games will play other losing teams to determine final placings.

If two or more teams have the same number of points at the end of the group round, the order will be decided as follows:

1. Goal difference

2. Highest number of goals scored

3. Results in the match(es) between teams with equal points (head to head)

4. Coin Toss

If the knockout games end in a drawn result, the two teams will proceed immediately to a sudden death penalty shootout. Normal penalty kick shootout rules apply (best of 5 penalty kicks each, if still even then 1 kick each. Only players on the field at the end of the match may participate in the penalty shootout).

Teams can either enter into the ‘Competitive’ or ‘Socially Competitive’ division. This is completely up to the teams, with each division having equal opportunities, including quarters, semis and finals (dependent on entry numbers).

4. Ball Size

Size 5 balls will be used across all grades (U14/U16/U18)

5. Game Times

Subject to field availability and entry numbers, it is anticipated that all games will be 2 x 25 minute halves. The tournament committee reserve the right to change the length of games should this be needed for any reason. Teams will be advised should this be needed before the start of the game.

6. Number of Players and Substitutions

Teams are limited to 18 players. A substituted player may re-enter in the match.

The referee has the discretion to give players yellow cards for time wasting. They also may reverse set piece decisions and award the opposing team a set piece for excessive time wasting. The aim is to have games played in good spirit and to keep the game moving and we hope all teams will support this.

7. Match Information

Players must be listed in the team list in Friendly Manager prior to the tournament, including DOB of the players and shirt number for each player. Changes can be made to the makeup of the team up to the day prior to tournament start date. Any breach of player eligibility according to the rules will result in the team defaulting games that these players participate in and may result in ejection of the team from the tournament at the committee’s discretion. Entry fees will not be refunded should this occur.

Random controls of team list and participant lists will be carried out.

All team officials (maximum 3) have to be indicated with their names on the team list.

a. Only these officials are allowed to be in the technical area. If there are no markings for the technical area it is considered to be an area of 8 meters along the sideline where the substitutes are located.

All team shirts must be numbered, and the numbers must correspond to the numbers on the team list. Numbers must be on the back of the shirts. Two players may not use the same number in any given match.

If the referee decides that one team should change shirts due to similarity to the opposing team’s shirts, the team appearing last in the match schedule has to change. Different coloured bibs may be worn over shirts with the approval of the referee.

Advertising may appear on players' match uniforms. The advertisement must not contain messages that may seem hurtful or offensive, such as advertising for tobacco or alcohol.

All players MUST wear shin guards.

The teams are responsible for their supporters’ conduct. Bad supporters’ behaviour or conduct may result in team’s exclusion from the tournament.

The responsible team official (coach) must immediately after the match sign the referee’s match card in order to confirm the match result, red cards and other events during the match.

8. Referees

The referees will be supplied where possible. If there is not a referee appointed to the game then the team listed as the “home” team should provide a qualified referee for the 1st half and the “away” team for the 2nd half. If only one team has a qualified referee then that referee should referee the whole game. Should neither team have a qualified referee then a non-qualified referee should referee the game (one from each team per previous unless otherwise agreed by both team officials).

9. Jewelry

All jewelry must be removed or taped over. The referee may ask jewelry to be removed if they feel taping over is not sufficient so please be prepared to do this.

10. Cautions/Forfeits

Any player given a red card is automatically suspended from participation in the following match. Any player found to flout these rules by playing in the subsequent game will risk their team forfeiting that game should they win or draw and will not be allowed to play in subsequent games. Any team not appearing at the appointed time and place for a match will foreit the game by 0-3, after a decision by the tournament staff or referee. If a team repeatedly fail to appear at the matches, the team may be excluded from the tournament.

11. Tournament Decisions

The Tournament committee have the authority to make final decisions on all matters should there be any disputes and these must be abided to by all teams.

12. Prizes

Medals will be awarded to winners and runners up of each grade. A Cup will also be awarded to winners but the Cup will be retained by the Tournament committee during the year and played for again the following year.. The team will have an opportunity to have photo’s taken with the Cup. The winning team name will be engraved on the Cup.